Saturday 10 December 2011

New depths

This week is perfect for wearing cashmere shawls. As it is bitterly cold first thing in the morning, I am layering the shawl with a cashmere wrap cardigan, a souvenir from an earlier Paris trip.

Grands Fonds (Great depths) seems to have a huge following but I fell in love with the colours of this shawl first and I like the GF II design for a GM. I am strangely drawn to the big bubbles...

My Paris visit took me to FSH and the new Rue de S stores and I was initially looking for another Ex Libris en Confetti enamel. Although I found there was a good selection of enamels, I could not find a colour that I "needed" to add to my collection. However, when I saw the extra large Grands Fonds design in the taupe colourway, I was blown away and caved in.

I am hoping it will work with some of my dresses in shades of taupe/grey/brown, we will see.

Some details of the shawl:

Depending on which side you look at the bangle, the design and colours vary enormously, so here's a taster:


Love at first sight!


  1. I simply love this shawl , and the subtelty of the colours. Who would have thought a picture of a fish could be magnified to such an extent resulting in this beauty?
    Bangle is WOW ! It must get many admiring comments when you wear them together

  2. Estrella, you made me laugh; I normally prefer my fish on a plate but could not resist those rich autumn colours.

    As to the bangle, it only had two outings so far, it's hardly workwear for me, isn't it?

    And I do worry just a tiny bit about it being a bit matchy-matchy...


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