Thursday 29 December 2011

Getting organised

Way back in the summer I picked up a new address book and I have been looking for a cover ever since. It was an indulgence that replaced a necessity; my old address book came as part of a management type diary from a job around 1997, so you can imagine in what state it was.

I used the run up to Christmas and the traditional card writing to transfer addresses from the old inserts and scraps of paper to the new address book. Incidentally I wrote fewer cards this year, having followed Stephen Cottrell's excellent advice...

Saturday 24 December 2011

Getting into the spirit of Christmas

The last few weeks have been busier than anticipated. Due to illness in the family, the little gardener and I made hasty arrangements to fly to Germany. As there was not much time to lose we ended up having different airports for all our departures and arrivals, meaning extra help from friends to take and collect us.

This was no time for a scarf extravaganza and I wore my Brazil GM every single day, the GM's are fine in foul weather.

Tuesday 20 December 2011


In the run up to Christmas, it is nice to take some time out and reminisce. One of my scarves is a favourite for this time of year: Les Plaisirs du Froid.

It depicts a scene from an era long past, where people would go for a ride in a sleigh or ice skate on a frozen lake.

Monday 19 December 2011

Holly - from park to scarf

I have to come back to a photo taken recently at the Jardins des Plantes:


It features variegated holly and it so reminds me of one of my "seasonal scarves", Neige d'Antan II.


Saturday 17 December 2011

But is it art? You bet it is, twofold even

A little seasonal foray into nature, art, sculpture and silk scarves. 

This is my last post about the JDP, linking Castanea sativa (sweet chestnut)

to a Hermès scarf design, A Vos Crayons.

A vos crayons (Leigh P. Cook, 2004/5) photo credit: luxury-scarves

Friday 16 December 2011

Brave? Foolish? Would I do it again? Mais oui!

After weeks of wear (in rotation with many other scarves, I hasten to add), I decided to wash my cashmere poncho/stole type thing. And for good measure, add my GM dip dye as well.

Not only did I consider washing, I considered machine washing. Thinking about the size and how much water the stole would hold, made me realize that even my kitchen sink (think butler style) was too small.

Tuesday 13 December 2011

Christmas find

For today's post I am returning to a charming little shop in the rue de Seine where I already got my Christmas candle.  

Monday 12 December 2011

Lifting dahlias

A brief return to the roots of this blog... 

Thinking back to this time last year, the Uk was gripped by fierce frosts. This year's autumn has been much gentler with a slow descent into winter. This has meant, that my dahlias have only just been lifted.

The last lot to be dug up was in the mystery garden and I had remembered to bring a fully charged camera along.

Sunday 11 December 2011

"Magical" Paris

The theme for this week on the scarf board is Sun, Moon & Stars.

I don't think I possess anything that fits the bill; I need to scrutinize a few scarves in detail but I remember a scarf (sadly not in my possession) called La Magie

I am trying to find a good quality photo that I can use because it is a charming design, possibly better framed than knotted. If you can help, please get in touch. Thank you.

La Magie (Claudia Stuhlhofer 1999) photo credit: luxury-scarves, Zurich

Saturday 10 December 2011

New depths

This week is perfect for wearing cashmere shawls. As it is bitterly cold first thing in the morning, I am layering the shawl with a cashmere wrap cardigan, a souvenir from an earlier Paris trip.

Grands Fonds (Great depths) seems to have a huge following but I fell in love with the colours of this shawl first and I like the GF II design for a GM. I am strangely drawn to the big bubbles...

Friday 9 December 2011

RIP Renee / Qalamdam

I received some sad news last night. Known as Mrs U-turn on my blog, my lovely client Renee, has died. Suddenly if not completely unexpectedly.  

It is difficult to express just how much I will miss this wonderful lady who was gracious, friendly, kind and compassionate. She bore her illness with dignity and would deflect any enquiry about her health with a question about my family or myself or a query about her garden.

Thursday 8 December 2011

Cashmere & Candles

Cashmere/silk week:

Apologies for the poor picture, the drizzly weather is spoiling any attempt to take a flattering photograph.

If I had to choose my favourite cashmere/silk scarf, it would be this one:

Pierres d'Orient et d'Occident

Tuesday 6 December 2011

Paris - Hothouses

Another post dating back to last Wednesday's visit to the JdP, this time focussing on the hothouses/tropical greenhouses. Look out for today's scarf matching the travel theme...

Whilst entrance to the garden is free, a small fee is payable for entrance to the greenhouses. Having been to Kew Gardens and the Eden project before, these were much smaller but worthwhile nonetheless. 

The little gardener was very taken with these houses, especially one that reminded her of pirates hiding their treasure in caves.

Monday 5 December 2011

Paris - Jardin des Plantes

As the gardening year comes to an end for me, I long to have a break. This year proved no exception: I have been pushing myself for the best part of the year and after a particularly nasty bout of backache (thankfully finally sorted by a lovely osteopath), I was very much looking forward to a short trip to Paris.

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