Saturday 17 December 2011

But is it art? You bet it is, twofold even

A little seasonal foray into nature, art, sculpture and silk scarves. 

This is my last post about the JDP, linking Castanea sativa (sweet chestnut)

to a Hermès scarf design, A Vos Crayons.

A vos crayons (Leigh P. Cook, 2004/5) photo credit: luxury-scarves

As you approach the restaurant in the Jardin des Plantes from the hothouses, you find a magnificent sweet chestnut tree. Of course at this time of year there are still fruits on it and the spikes resemble ever so much sharpened pencils. I was lucky enough to take these pictures on a most glorious December day.

Here is a close up of my view:

 Yes, it is a sculpture in wood and steel just next to the tree.

It is by contemporary sculptor Vincent Mauger and it is titled Le Théorème des Dictateurs; it was created in 2009.

You can read a bit more about this sculpture here and more about the artist's œuvre.


  1. Another fantastic tip, many thanks dear Bienchen. The sculpture is stunning, looking very much forward to go and see it, hopefully one day soon (would love to wear A vos crayons for the occasion, if I'd only have one!)

  2. Have a lovely time when you go and I think the effect is particularly striking in autumn when the conkers are on the tree.

    I love it that we are able to exchange unusual ideas for sightseeing, eating, relaxing, shopping....


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