Saturday 27 August 2011


After the relentless rain yesterday - having checked the forecast again - I was ready to slot in a bit of work this morning.

Which was lucky because just at 8am sharp, the doorbell rang and the postman made an appearance, asking for my signature.

If you read the fine print in yesterday's musing you might have figured out the whole story already. Yes, my time spent on Ebay was fruitful and I managed to snap up a little something literally at the last minute. The seller was based in the UK and managed to post it the same day, advising me to expect a delivery on Tuesday. Royal Mail came up trumps though and there at 8:03am I was sitting down to breakfast with my family and this:

Les Plumes

For those in the know, it is of course Les Plumes (Feathers), a scarf designed by Henri de Linares in the 1950's. The scarf I bought is a re-issue from 1989. I am particularly pleased as it is in near new condition.

I had a professional association with the design going back a few years now and I am chuffed to have been able to finally add it to my little stash of silks. I also wanted to add a pink scarf to my collection (no puns about killing two birds with one stone,  please), I am a bit on the fence re the bright pink border. I don't wear much pink but love a tiny splash of it in my accessories. In my excitement, I wore it straight after the morning's work, to shops, while cooking and playing with the little gardener. It looks smashing with navy blue and grey and of course white.

Hope the weekend brings you some special joy, too.


  1. Love it ! I'm also really enjoying your blog. I am a bit of a gardener as well, although only of my own 2 acres. I love reading about your gardening projects and share your love of silks. Regards, Karen

  2. Bit of a gardener? Karen, if you garden 2 acres by yourself you'll be a busy lady. I hope you carry on enjoying my blog and I am delighted to find another garden and silk fan.


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