Friday 26 August 2011


I have never paid as much attention to the weather and in particular the forecast as in the last few years. It is determining the course of my day.

Pieris 'Forest Flame'

A few years ago, it would have influenced and sometimes determined what I would wear the next day and maybe whether I needed to get up half an hour earlier to get to work on time.

Now, its influence far exceeds sartorial or practical matters: it shapes what kind of work I will do, what tools and accessories to pack, sometimes whether I work at all.

Today is one of those days where constant heavy rain is making any outdoor task impossible. I'm not complaining, there are folks affected by hurricanes right now or the opposite, incessant drought.

But when even a simple sprint to the steps in the garden to take a picture of the first blooms on my daylily leave me drenched, it is time to huddle indoors and enjoy a cup of tea. Note to self: needs dividing next Spring, should have flowered in July, not end of August.

Hemerocallis 'Stella d'Oro'

The odd day lost to inclement weather is no big deal. I can have a good rest, catch up with paperwork and admin, do a spot of handwashing silk scarves, dust thoroughly, bake and cook for pleasure - and indulge in a spot of ebay surfing, just like today.

If bad weather continues for several days I get a case of cabin fever and will pace the house like a caged beast. Hopefully this time it is just a typical UK bank holiday weekend which traditionally is wet, windy and cold.

Hope you have a good weekend, come rain or shine.


  1. I love having a cup of tea on a rainy day. :)

  2. Coco, too right. And procrastinating. And thinking of lighting a fire at the end of August. And then back to tea.

  3. Ah--time to hand wash scarves. I find that very relaxing--and I hope you do. Enjoy your day of rest.


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