Tuesday 23 August 2011

Taking steps

For the longest time I have been eyeing the wide stone steps at the rectory.

I love the large rectangular paving stones which are no longer being made, they are totally right for this kind of garden. However, they were never laid properly, holly tree roots are close by and are causing movement to the ground and ivy has crept into the remains of the grouting. The steps have become uneven, impossible to weed or keep clean and they pose a trip hazard.

Although I had mentioned a few times my dislike for the eyesore and the risk these steps were posing to visitors to the garden, no action had been taken. I suppose the diocese is economising like everyone else.

Well, I don't like wasting my breath, so when the vicar and his family were going on a week's holiday, I asked a friendly builder (yes, that's you Calvin) to put the steps straight.  

I was hoping the vicar would forgive my rash action when he saw the result on their return and I have been lucky - he is delighhted. Even better, the diocese has agreed to foot the bill.

Every time I walk up or down these steps now, they make me smile.


  1. wow thats a huge difference and so nice to keep the original steps too
    lovely x

  2. Thanks, QB, they really are a total succes and look as if they've always been there.


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