Wednesday 24 August 2011

The free lunch

They say there's no such thing as a free lunch. Well, after today I beg to differ.

After a morning's work on the budget garden (digging, clearing, deadheading), I admired the fine new border before I set off. I just love the fine foliage of the Erysimums and their haze of purple next to the golden Rudbeckias.

The plan was to swiftly swing by Mrs Privet, treat her awful mess  front lawn with lawn weedkiller and then whizz home for a quick bite before tackling some gardening jobs of my own.

I don't use chemicals often, so I needed to warn Mrs Privet to "exclude children and pets" for a few hours from the lawn, not to mow for a week (that'll make Mr P happy) and once mowing is resumed, to bin the clippings rather than compost them.

As luck would have it, Mrs Privet was in and rather than just talking on the doorstep I got invited to join her friends (lots of yummy mummies) in the garden for a rather lovely spot of lunch.

This may not mean a great deal to you, but for someone who is often working by herself the prospect of a shared midday meal is an exciting proposition. The ladies were lovely company, the food excellent and I thoroughly appreciated the friendly gesture.

Well, there was more to come because I am looking after the rectory garden as well whilst the family is having a few days off. In return for watering (nil this week because of the rain we were having, just the greenhouse to take care off), I get to pick to my heart's content from the garden. Tonight we had delicious raspberries for dessert.

So if someone tells you again about the free lunches, yes, they do exist and sometimes they include a free dessert as well.


  1. Raspberries! I love them and tried to find some at our local market. No luck. So eat a handful for me, please!

  2. Dear AA, I will gladly do so. If your farmers markets are like ours, they would offer local produce. I think wher you live now is too hot and dry to grow them successfully. They do incredibly well in .... Scotland!


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