Tuesday 9 August 2011

Back to the grindstone (nerd alert)

.... or the sharpest tool in the shed?

If you are not into garden graft, then you may as well skip to the last paragraph.

Over the last few weeks I have spent many hours cutting new lawn edges and digging borders for autumn planting. The work has been progressively been getting harder. Blame it on the heat or my age? Boredom? Fatigue? Possibly but mainly it is a case of blunt tools.

One evening last week out came the half moon iron, lawn shears and a selection of spades all ready for their "spa". A sharpen and polish.

This was no ordinary sharpen with a file but my opportunity to roadtest a new gadget: an sharpening tool that attaches to a drill and which will sharpen at just the right angle.

Apart from having to take the lawn shears apart and clamping every tool firmly into a workmate, the job was a doddle.  

I have since had a chance to try my rejuvenated tools and - what a difference! I actually enjoyed using them and the speed for digging has been much improved. Awfully good value at £5.95.

Garden eye candy coming up later this week: a visit to a Country House with splendid borders. And I am taking a potential client who only likes privet.

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