Sunday 7 August 2011

The 'Nearly did not Happen' Garden Part 2

Design time. Let's talk about colours.

Since this was a small garden, I suggested a two colour scheme. I drew inspiration from the few shrubs that were already in situ: a Leycesteria (very dark red) and Forsythia (bright yellow). One of the roses to be moved luckily had a label, so I could identify and look up the colour, badly needed since it was April, far too early for roses to flower. It proved to be Whisky Mac, a fairly bright yellow.

With my client being advanced in years but very young at heart, I suggested purple with yellow. I set to draw up a shortlist of suitable plants and armed with good quality photographs we met up.

For me this is an essential step and a bit of a shortcut. If I find the client does not approve, not much time is wasted at this stage as no plans have been drawn, plant numbers worked out and costed up.

I was lucky and my client loved the shortlist.

I shall spare you the finer details of how hard it was to prepare the site for planting, the planting and autumn bulb planting. Let's leave it with some pictures taken at planting stage, a few months after and finally after one year.

June 2010 - newly planted, new turf!

May 2011 Gorgeous Alliums with Iris 'St Crispin'

May 2010: Turf has held up very well despite hot and dry Spring
July 2011: Penstemon 'Raven' and Achillea 'Coronation Gold'
July 2011: Lavendula angustifolia and Achillea

July 2011: Dahlia 'Arabian Night'

The gaps between plants are gradually disappearing as plants are filling out to their eventual size. Work is now concentrating on cutting the lawn, trimming lawn edges, deadheading and feeding, all fun stuff in my book. Oh, and enjoying the view.

Hope you enjoy it as much as my client.

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