Wednesday 17 August 2011

Tomorrow's dinner

It's been a productive day at the rectory today and I have finally trimmed all the lawn edges, dug in the green manure (mustard seed) and weeded the lower veg plot.

The summer peas have been picked and the tired plants have been ripped out for the compost heap.

The highlight of my day though was this

The first Florence fennel is ready for harvesting and I am so excited to be able to take some home with me.

Not only is it free food, it is blemish free, organic and just look at the size of those bulbs, they dwarf my secateurs! It is also the first year that I have been successful in growing it, sown in coir modules at the end of May.

Two bulbs should be enough to feed the family, probably following Nigel Slater's recipe for sauteed chicken with fennel, spices and cream. It is a rich dish but totally delicious and I am salivating already.

1 comment:

  1. This is a feast for the eyes, a simple bulb of fennel but totally perfect .One of our favourites, though we don't grow it .
    Can't wait to google that recipe it sounds like a piece of heaven

    BTW I think we're secateur twins!


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