Tuesday 13 September 2011

Enforced rest

I was rushing on Saturday and being less careful than normal, I sliced into my left index finger. So now I sport a bandaged finger which will of course not accommodate gloves nor will I be able to work as normal.

I am trying to be pragmatic about it; I got way with a minor injury which should heal within a week. There is also a silver lining to this cloud: the little gardener has just started school and she is very happy to have me around that bit more. She is hugely into story time and we have been to the library to get more books, we are drawing, cooking and taking her "babies" out in the stroller.

Whilst she is settling into her new environment, I have put myself on light duties in a few gardens; I am also catching up with a few jobs in my own garden.

First up, the penstemon cuttings.

Back at the end of July I had taken six cuttings, three to each pot. All have rooted and grown into little plants, one even sports flowers. They are ready to be potted on into individual pots. They don't need big pots yet, just their own little space. The picture above was taken half way through the job. If you have taken cuttings and not potted them up already, check whether there is a good root system and then give them their own home.

I also used the opportunity to check on the gingerlily. If you are a regular, you will know how much I cherish this plant. If you are new to my blog, then here is where it all began. I also posted more pictures here. Now the flower spikes are starting to unfurl:

If you look closely at the lowest petals, they are elongating and changing colour from green to yellow with an orange tip. No scent yet of course, I have to be patient.

Last but not least a tiny anecdote. My light duties included dividing a few geraniums for an elderly lady. I asked where I could get water from to puddle the new plants in and she pointed me to an old well. Definitively a first for me staring down into a brick lined well, dropping a bucket on a string and trying to fill it and then retrieving it without falling into the well myself. Not a garden to bring the little gardener to without non-stop supervision....


  1. Get well soon, Bienchen! If you were my gardner, I'd certainly miss you every single day you are recovering.

  2. Thank you, I am much better already.The bandage is off!


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