Saturday 23 July 2011

Lest I forget

It would not be the first time that I forget sow peas for autumn and to take cuttings of penstemons.

The rain forecast for this afternoon did not materialise so I loaded a frame of root trainers with pea 'Ambassador', a variety to be sown in July, ready for picking in October. I had already sown a big batch at the start of the month with great success but they went to the veg plot in the rectory. As I like peas just as much as my clients, I am glad I remembered to sow them today. Four books of root trainers seemed a bit measly (plus the spacers that I finally acquired don't work very well), so I filled the whole frame.

Pea 'Ambassador'

The other job that I have on occasion forgotten, is to take cuttings of penstemons. I am particularly fond of Penstemon 'Raven', a tall variety with large dark purple flowers. Alas it is not as hardy as some cultivars. As I use this variety in several gardens and struggled in Spring to replace plants lost to the harsh winter, I am upping my odds this time by taken cuttings from side shoots. They were inserted in fresh potting compost within minutes of being cut, watered and put in a ziplock bag to conserve moisture. Fingers crossed they will root.


  1. Love most dark red flowers , and this penstemon is a gem . We planted a Heavenly Blue penstemonyesterday :[Sainsbury Homebase are coming up in the world LOL] unfortunately they don't survive too well over Winter

  2. Estrella, you are right. The showy varieties of Penstemon are not reliably hardy hence the need to take cuttings. Or keep retailers in business and buy new next year. You should be alright with 'Heavenly Blue' by the way, it has a good reputation for being hardy if planted in full sun and given good drainage.


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