Wednesday 18 January 2012

Snuggling up .... Très Kelly

Wasn't it crisp a few days ago? I thoroughly enjoyed the cold and sunny weather a few days ago.

It gave me an opportunity to swan around the house peruse seed catalogues and plan vegetable beds all cosy in a fur collar, a rare feast this winter.

As the collar has a fair bit of volume, I often fasten it with a twilly rather than a carré; a bit less bulk up front can be a good thing...

As the fur collar is quite a statement piece, I don't need other accessories with it and also prefer simple clothing.

Personally, I am not a huge fan of twillys because their use (for me) is limited; the Très Kelly design however caught my eye and I hunted this colourway down at the popup store in London just over a year ago. I love the accent of warm gold which goes so well with the taupe shade of grey. The leather straps look real enough in this colourway, too.

Hope you are snug and warm, too.


  1. You really can see the leather grain on your twilly - not sure my 70cm version displays this degree of texture. I couldn't quite bring myself to wear a fur collar although think they make almost everyone look lovely. However, I love grey with chocolate - tres chic.

    The plant by my garage is lonicera fragrantissima, not a jasmine at all, and I'm amazed it does so well planted, as it is, under a large horse chestnut tree. It loses all the sun and water to that leafy giant from April to October, plus gets bombarded with conkers in the autumn. Its delicate flowers belie its hardiness - perhaps a little like you, Bienchen?!!

    Do tell us what vegetables you are going to tend this summer. I did so badly with courgettes and sweetcorn yet the tomatoes were brilliant.

  2. Pussywillow, I wonder whether it depends on the c/way whether the leather grain looks more real?

    Re the lonicera, although honeysuckle often does best in sun, I have grown it successfully in shadier spots. It must be happy where it is, maybe it enjoys some secret symbiotic happiness with the chestnut? Opposites attract, LOL.

    Hardy me is taking a break from digging today as it is a truly & miserably wet.

    Yay for your tomatoes: I agree, last summer was perfect with bumper crops, helped by not too much rain and some good sunshine. My courgettes were good and plentiful, they do like rich soil/feeding and sun. I have given up on growing sweetcorn, needs lots of sun and space and we usually don't get the summers for that.

    I will post in a bit more detail about the veg selections for my garden and the rectory. All the other gardens are strictly ornamental (so far).

  3. What a fragrant look! I adore this bolduc twilly: now I have a Mors I find a distinct need for another classic Twilly .
    I do like the look of your collar , but I can't do fur ...maybe MT will do a fake version ?

  4. Estrella, so happy to be Mors twins with you. I wear mine most to convert a scarf in a halter and also with a gavroche and twilly. I see you have mastered the look with a gavroche and a twilly. Good luck with finding the perfect classic twilly. BdM?


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