Sunday 29 January 2012

Anglesey Abbey Gardens - Snowdrops

Galanthus 'John Gray'

We are nearly into February and this of course is snowdrop season. I wanted a really good display, maybe some unusual varieties and also a new "garden experience", so Anglesey Abbey Gardens just outside Cambridge made the perfect destination.

My first impression of the woodland trail was amazement: the initial view promised a mature setting that had recently been "overhauled".

Pea shingle covered paths (with not a weed in sight) make this ideal for visitors of all ages and abilities and any weather. The dark green sweeping borders are made up of conifers and tall box bushes, left to grow shrubby rather than pruned into neat hedges.

A close up reveals textures that just make me want to get up close and stroke the foliage, a dark green that is sadly absent from many of my gardens at this time of year.

Willows, in this case Salix Alba 'Britzensis', provide interesting stem colour.
Much of the recommended woodland path has recently been renovated; according to a National Trust volunteer, there are around 50 staff plus 250 volunteers working on the gardens and the above picture shows that much effort and love has gone into the overhaul. Rosemary and snowdrops make an unusual but satisfying combination, nicely offset by a thick layer of fresh compost/topdressing.

Galanthus 'Magnet' is particularly charming.Long slender pedicels hold the flowers away from the spathe, making them dance in a breeze. They exude a strong honey fragrance and quickly form clumps. This variety has been given the AGM award by the RHS.

My personal favourite is Galanthus 'Galatea'. At 20cm tall, they are a good size to stand out from the crowd. This picture makes me swoon....

There was plenty to more to admire apart from snowdrops and I will come back to share a bit more Anglesey Abbey Gardens in another post later this week.

Hope you get to enjoy a bit of snowdrop magic, too.


  1. I love the green, lush feeling of the trees and plants along the path. And the snowdrops are adorable!

  2. Welcome Niniknows and so glad you enjoy a bit of soothing green, too,


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