Tuesday 10 January 2012

The best of jobs

Today was a lovely day that felt like Spring: a bit of sunshine, warm-ish, calm and dry underfoot.

Perfect for pruning apple trees in the budget garden. Perfect also because I worked for the best part of the day: lifting, bending, working overhead, sawing, moving ladders, bundling fireweood in the car, shredding.... and no backache. Bliss!

Having been much reduced on the work front back in October and November I really appreciate going about my business at normal speed and enjoying what I am doing again.

Now it is time to relax: I wanted to wear the corduroy dress again but change the scarf. This time, Grand Apparat in the lilac colourway. Same earrings though, please do not snigger, surely I can't be the only one who has to enjoy a new toy to the max?


  1. Sounds like a lovely day outside and you look beautiful! And no, you are not the only one to enjoy a new "toy" like that (besides, if you didn't show us, we wouldn't know).

  2. I was only thinking today, as I pottered about outside with temperatures of 12 degrees, how perfect a gardening day this would be for Bienchen....and it was!

    Life without backache, having experienced its painful disablement, takes on a heightened quality, doesn't it? The (only) advantage of being afflicted is that when we can bend and twist freely, we truly appreciate the amazing way our bodies usually afford effortless movement. Deo gratias!

    I'm enjoying my scented winter jasmine, planted near the garage doors so as to catch a whiff each time the car is put away: such insignificant blooms that pack a punch fragrance-wise. The first of the snowdrops are officially in bloom today. The squirrels dug up so many that I will be relieved if more survived than were unearthed.

    Bring on those earrings again and again - it must be a outright pleasure to shake or nod your head wearing them! I still seek a Bolduc scarf ring in silver, the fact you found one within the last year gives me hope. Glorious Apparat - some of the older designs are subtly growing on me but my scarf budget is seriously curtailed for 2012 so I will have to exercise discernment to the max.

  3. Thank you VnSoie, it is good to feel I am not the only one.

    Pussywillow, how lovely to "meet" you here. Yes, the weather was lovely but has already changed. Frost forecast and much colder days, too, it is January after all. Hope there will be plenty of snowdrops for you.
    Sloane Street had my Bolduc, but really the store should happily do a search for you and transfer one in to your favourite branch. Let me know if you get "stuck".


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