Friday 20 January 2012

Scarf ring - Bolduc

This week is scarf ring week on the scarf board. Far too wet for silks for me today today, so no action shot, just some eye candy and styling ideas for a better day.

I am charmed by how well the Bolduc scarf ring in gold works with my Grand Apparat.

As this is a "horsey" scarf the motive on the scarf ring is perfect.  

I find the Bolduc and Regate my two favourite rings for 90cm silks as they don't slip.

Have you got a favourite scarf ring?

Have a good weekend.


  1. Wonderful! I love the rigid square of that ring--it adds something that evades circular scarf rings.

    I hope your weather clears up soon!

  2. This is true marriage of scarf and ring , it just seems perfect .
    The house has been invaded by DH'S banana plants , some of which are very large . We a have a couple of hardy ones that survived even last Winter. But these more tender ones have to be coddled : it's worth it in Summer when we eat our own banans.
    [Just joking, we did get a bunch but not edible ]

  3. Catherine, yes this ring is a bit different; it sure adds to its charm.

    Estrella, a happy marriage indeed. Less space inside with banana plants but a great focal point and of course extra oxygen (at least during the day). My bananas come from the market or the vegbox, can't win them all.


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